School Districts
Application Requirements:
Per 16.9945 (1), Wis. Stats., applications for the TEACH Information Technology Infrastructure Grants must include the following: description of specific infrastructure to be purchased; plan to purchase, install and use the purchased infrastructure; and readiness to use purchased infrastructure. Benefit Date Rubric, which assesses readiness, can be found on the FY21 Application.
Eligibility Requirements:
Per Wis. Stat. 16.9945 TEACH Information Technology Infrastructure Grants are available to rural school districts who have 16 or fewer students per square mile
A school district's maximum biennium award amount is calculated as follows:
- If the membership of the eligible school district is fewer than 750 pupils, $30,000.
- If the membership of the eligible school district is 750 pupils to 1,500 pupils, $40 multiplied by the school district's membership.
- If the membership of the eligible school district is more than 1,500 pupils, $60,000.
TEACH Eligible School Districts
(Please Note: School districts that received maximum grant funding in the first year of the biennium (FY20) will not appear on the list of eligible school districts.)
FAQs for School Districts
Applications For Eligible School Districts can be found here:
FY2021 District Application
(Please Note: Application Instructions are on the first Tab of the grant application - FY21 Infra App.)
Application Due Date: Friday, December 18, 2020 by 11:59 p.m.
Eligibility Requirements:
Per Wis. Stat. 16.9945 TEACH Information Technology Infrastructure Grants are available to public libraries if the population of the municipality within which the library is located is 20,000 or less and if the public library is located in a rural territory as defined by the US Census Bureau.
A public library's maximum biennium award amount is calculated as follows:
- If the library's municipal population is 2,000 or less, $5,000.
- If the library's municipal population is 2,001 to 4,999, $7,500.
- If the library's municipal population is 5,000 to 20,000, $10,000.
TEACH Eligible Libraries
FAQs for Libraries
Applications For Eligible Libraries can be found here:
FY2021 Library Application
(Please Note: Application Instructions are on the first Tab of the grant application - FY21 Infra App.)
Application Due Date: Friday, December 18, 2020 by 11:59 p.m.
Infrastructure Items
FY21 Infrastructure Grant Purchase Period: July 1, 2020 through March 15, 2023
Eligible Infrastructure Items can be found here:
FY21 Infrastructure Items List
Reimbursement Due Dates:
Please use the "Request for Reimbursement Worksheet" your grant contact received via email from DOA TEACH. The "Request Reimbursement Worksheet" is one of the tabs in the Excel Budget Document emailed to your grant contact.
Purchase Period
Claims Due Date
July 1, 2020 - May 31, 2021
| June 30, 2021
June 1, 2021 - November 30, 2021
| January 31, 2022
December 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
| August 31, 2022
July 1, 2022 - March 15, 2023 -FINAL REQUEST
| May 14, 2023 (All reimbursement requests must be submitted to DOA – TEACH – FINAL REQUEST.)
Note: Grantees who miss submitting reimbursement claims for a specific period may submit up until the final request date for reimbursement claims, which is May 14, 2023.
Wis. Stat. 16.9945 the TEACH Technology Information Infrastructure Grant may be used for
purchasing and
installing portable devices (hotspots) on buses and for purchasing portable devices (hotspots) for individuals to temporarily borrow from a school or for patrons to check out from a public library.
TEACH Infrastructure grant funds are NOT eligible to be used for service and/or data plans. This includes hotspots that have service and/or data plans included with their purchase at "no cost."
Below are the maximum amounts TEACH will reimbursement for hotspots:
- Portable hotspot: $151/each
- Bus hotspot: $995/each
Budget Transfers:
Budget transfer requests must be made by February 15, 2023 and approval of requests is at the sole discretion of TEACH. An email will be sent to TEACH Infrastructure grant contacts regarding the budget transfer process once grant agreements have been executed.