TEACH Policy

The purpose of this page is to provide TEACH customers a consolidated list of policies. All policies in this document are specific to the administration of the TEACH program which is authorized under Chapter 16, Subchapter IX of the Wisconsin Statutes. Sites requesting bandwidth increases will be reviewed by TEACH and must include justification such as usage graphs that generally show consistent 80% usage. SETDA and FCC recommendations may generally be considered if graphs are not available.  Increases may be approved based on available funding. 

TEACH customers may not choose their local provider. The local provider is choosen based on availability and cost per the current TEACH contract. 

TEACH subsidized hardware may not be moved without prior authorization from TEACH. 

Sites authorized for over 1Gb of service may be offered two circuits of 1Gb or more if the supplier is unable to offer a single circuit of over 1Gb. In these cases, the site will only be charged for a single circuit. 

​TEACH does not notify customers of maintenances during the normal maintenance window from 12 midnight to 6AM.

TEACH Network Services Customer Contract is posted on VendorNet.​​ 

  • Bandwidth less than​ 1,000 Mbps is $100/month for the TEACH subsidized cat 1 circuit only.
  • Bandwidth of 1,000 Mbps or greater is $250/month for the TEACH subsidized cat 1 circuit only.​
  • The site must choose their ISP which is invoiced separately every month direct to the site.
  • TEACH does not subsidize ISP costs.

TEACH will invoice each customer biannually: in mid ​December for the months of July through December, and in mid June for the months of January through June.

  • If the effective change date is on or before the 15th, the site will be invoiced a full month.
  • If the effective change date is after the 15th, the site will not be invoiced for the month.
  • These charges will begin regardless if the site is using the service or not.
  • For disconnect requests, a service request must be completed and sent to TEACH. Up to 60 days are required to complete disconnect requests.
  • TEACH does not invoice for ISP, this is invoiced separately every month direct to the site.
  • TEACH does not subsidize ISP costs.
Service Change Request
  • For disconnect requests, a service request must be completed and sent to TEACH. Up to 30 days are required to complete disconnect requests from the date AT&T recieves the disconnect from TEACH. The site initiates the disconnect by notifying TEACH.
  • All services are provided based on demonstrated need and available TEACH funding.
  • Sites must notify their ISP of all changes. TEACH does not notify your ISP of service changes. TEACH does not subsidize ISP costs.

  • Each site must provide the following for all service affecting changes:

    • Completed TEACH Service Change Request through the TEACH portal, a login ID is required. The login ID must be provided to TEACH prior to placing your order if you are a new site.
    • Directions for the TEACH login ID are on the TEACH Portal. Click on the TEACH Portal under Service Requests-Orders and Requests to place the Service Change Request and to get the ID.
    • TEACH services must be used as a primary connection per USAC E-rate rules.
TEACH customers: K-12 Public School, K-12 Private School, Library, Tech Colleges, C​​​ESA or other eligible site
  • The site chooses their ISP and must notify their ISP of any bandwidth changes.
  • TEACH subsidizes bandwidth to each eligible site based on demonstrated need.
  • Justification for bandwidth need is primarily based on usage graphs. If you do not have graphs ask TEACH and we may be able to provide them. Secondary data for justifcation may include enrollment data from DPI. SETDA and FCC​ recommendations which may be considered by TEACH. TEACH is the final authority on approving all requests.
  • TEACH services must be used as a primary connection per USAC E-rate rules. Sites found in violation of this rule may be subject for the full cost of the TEACH service and penalties and fines per USAC.
Site costs

The site is fiscally responsible for all:

  • Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) such as a router and/or switch.
  • If a Telco site visit was completed, all on-site changes identified at the visit such as: a power outlet for Telco equipment or conduit for Telco cables.
  • Any charges from a site requesting a Telco to move wiring inside your building.
  • ISP costs which are invoiced separately direct to the site and are not subsidized by TEACH.
One-time construction costs
  • If a service request requires fiber construction to a site, a quote for one-time installation costs will be provided by AT&T. All construction costs per site are chargeable. These costs will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may be subsidized by TEACH based on need and available funding.
Contract Terms
  • If you are leaving BadgerNet post transformation prior to a full 12 months of the required commitment, you are accountable for the full monthly telco charges. TEACH cannot subsidize for customers who are no longer on the BadgerNet network.
  • The site must provide a site contact to TEACH. The site is responsible for keeping the site contact information current.
  • TEACH circuits must not be used for backup. Sites may be responsbile for the full cost of the circuit if TEACH determines the site used a TEACH circuit for backup.